LINE ID: 太古旅遊
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

漢達拉高爾夫球場 Handara Country Club

摘要: 巴厘島唯一的清新山地高爾夫球場
The only fresh mountain Golf Course in Bali
巴厘島漢達拉鄉村俱樂部 The Bali Handara Country Club
巴厘島漢達拉鄉村俱樂部被譽為世界上最美麗的高爾夫球場之一,距離阿馬努薩一個半小時​​車程。該球場由 Peter Thomson 和 Graham Wolveridge 設計,坐落在一座死火山中。這座錦標賽球場的 18 洞坐落在鬱鬱青蔥的綠色山坡和雨林中。

The Bali Handara Country Club, acclaimed as one of the world’s most beautiful golf courses the club is an hour-and-a-half from Amanusa. Designed by Peter Thomson and Graham Wolveridge, the course is set in an extinct volcano. The championship course’s 18 holes lie amid lush green mountain slopes and rainforest.

“The Handara Golf & Resort Bali is located in the center of a volcano and has been voted one of the top five golf courses in Asia.”


The only fresh mountain Golf Course in Bali

Handara is one of the oldest clubs in Bali that has seen many distinguished patrons and passionate golfers from around the world. In its long history many memories were made and countless close relationships were forged. Times change, but the dedication to provide an unforgettable experience to all of the guests remains the same..
Handara Golf & Resort Bali is located in the central highlands of Bali and is nestled down inside the crater of an extinct volcano at an altitude of almost 1,400 meters (almost 4,000 feet) above sea level. The resort is surrounded by lush green mountains, crater lakes and an equatorial rain forest.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the busy tourist hub, Handara Golf & Resort Bali is a perfect retreat to enjoy the fresh mountain scenery. The yearlong cool temperature (average 14-24C) makes for a pleasant round of golf.
Handara Golf & Resort Bali is a mountain golf course & resort. It boasts a world class golf course in a magnificent setting.
Come and experience the natural wonderland featuring lush tropical gardens, cool weather, and breathtaking mountain scenery. A perfect place to get away from the hustle and bustle.

Handara has benefited from some major recent renovations. Experience the new Breeze Terrace with amazing 180 degree panorama over the spectacular mountain view rooms.

Handara 是巴厘島最古老的俱樂部之一,吸引了許多來自世界各地的傑出顧客和熱情的高爾夫球手。 在其悠久的歷史中,留下了許多回憶,並結下了無數親密的關係。 時代在變,但為所有客人提供難忘體驗的奉獻精神始終如一。
巴厘島漢達拉高爾夫度假村位於巴厘島中部高地,坐落在一座死火山的火山口內,海拔近 1,400 公尺(近 4,000 英尺)。 度假村周圍環繞著鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色山脈、火山口湖和赤道雨林。
巴厘島漢達拉高爾夫度假村遠離繁忙的旅遊中心的喧囂,是欣賞清新山景的完美度假勝地。 全年涼爽的氣溫(平均 14-24 攝氏度)非常適合打高爾夫球。
巴厘島漢達拉高爾夫度假村是一座山地高爾夫球場和度假村。 它擁有一個環境優美的世界級高爾夫球場。
來體驗自然仙境,這裡有鬱鬱蔥蔥的熱帶花園、涼爽的天氣和令人驚嘆的山景。 遠離喧囂的完美場所。
Handara 受益於最近的一些重大整修。 體驗全新微風露台,欣賞壯觀山景客房的 180 度全景。