LINE ID: 太古旅遊
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

商務 會議 參訪 參展 獎勵旅遊 MICE

Time to do business
摘要: Leave the hassle to us and let the business journey begins
我們在旅遊行業擁有超過 20 年的經驗,幫助過數百家企業計劃行程。 對旅遊市場有深入的了解,並且與所有主要的旅遊供應商都有關係。為您提供最優惠的航班、酒店和其他旅行安排價格。並且提供各種附加服務,例如地面交通、簽證協助和活動策劃。 這意味著我可以為您處理一切,以便您可以專注於您的業務。

Hi, this is travelink international, your business travel consultant here at your service to save time, money, and stress on your next business trip.
We have over 20 years of experience in the travel industry, and have helped hundreds of businesses plan their trips, with deep understanding of the travel market, and close relationships with all the major travel suppliers. We can get you the best possible deals on flights, hotels, and other travel arrangements.
We also offer a variety of add-on services, such as ground transportation, visa assistance, and event planning. This means that I can take care of everything for you, so you can focus on your business.
Leave the hassle to us and let the business journey begins.

商務差旅管理公司為其企業客戶提供服務,幫助管理他們的商務差旅。 這可以包括提供軟件來跟踪出差員工的費用和行程、預訂航班和酒店、安排汽車租賃和其他交通,以及在旅行者旅行期間提供客戶服務支持. 這對於有許多員工定期出差的公司來說非常寶貴,因為它有助於跟踪與商務旅行相關的所有成本和物流。 此外,TMC 通常可以為客戶就各種旅行服務協商較低的價格。

Travel Management Companies(TMC), provide services to their corporate clients to help manage their business travel. This can include providing software that tracks the expenses and itineraries of traveling employees, booking flights and hotels, arranging car rentals and other transportation, and providing customer service support during the travelers’ trip.

This can be invaluable for companies that have many employees traveling for work regularly, as it helps keep track of all the costs and logistics associated with business travel. Additionally, TMCs can often negotiate lower rates for their clients on various travel services.

Benefits of Using a Corporate Travel Management Company

  • Expense management. BTMCs can help businesses keep track of their spending on business travel and provide software to help manage and automate the expense reporting process.
  • Business traveler support. Corporate travel management companies can provide customer support to travelers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This can be helpful in the event of an emergency or last-minute changes to travel plans.
  • Travel management solution. BTMCs can provide businesses with a complete travel management solution that includes booking flights and hotels, arranging transportation, and providing customer support.
  • Lower travel costs. BTMCs often have access to discounts on flights, hotels, and other travel services that they can pass on to their clients.