LINE ID: 太古旅遊
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太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

Riverdale Golf Club 河濱

Golf @ Riverdale
摘要: 河濱高爾夫球場-完美的挑戰 Riverdale Golf - The Perfect Challenge


Riverdale 高爾夫俱樂部距離曼谷市中心30 分鐘車程,於2010 年開業,我們每天都歡迎玩家來Riverdale,這裡的設施可與該地區任何會員俱樂部相媲美,擁有全套練習場和一間設有120 個座位的餐廳,設有私人房間。它是由威爾士建築師喬納森·莫羅(Jonathan Morrow)和他的合作夥伴、資深造型師阿爾·蒂卡寧(Al Tikkanen)設計的,他們在歷史悠久的湄南河三角洲深處的一個山谷中創造了一個特殊的高爾夫測試項目。河谷是曼谷主要平坦高爾夫景觀的一個例外,這里高架的發球檯和起伏的球道為所有高爾夫球手提供了愉快的挑戰。

18 洞 72 桿高爾夫球場於 2010 年開業。它精心設計了一項有趣的挑戰,以“上山下谷  高爾夫為特色,這在泰國首都以平坦為主的高爾夫景觀中是前所未有Riverdale 歡迎眼光獨到的高爾夫球手享受新的高爾夫挑戰、完美的比賽條件以及每週 7 天的五星級服務。
 熱情好客的工作人員、豪華的更衣室和提供國際美食的全方位服務餐廳,以及可欣賞第 18 洞壯麗景色的室外區域,為您的高爾夫體驗錦上添花

The golf course 18 holes Par 72 opened in 2010. It was crafted an intriguing challenge featuring ‘up hill and down dale’ golf never before seen in the Thai Capital’s predominantly flat golf landscapes. Riverdale welcomes discerning golfers to enjoy new golfing challenges, immaculate playing conditions, and 5-star services 7 days a week.

The golf experience is complemented by hospitable staff, luxurious change rooms and a full service restaurant which serves international cuisine with an outside area offering grand views over the 18th hole.

Located a 30 minute drive from the centre Bangkok, Riverdale Golf Club opened in 2010 and we welcome green fee players every day to Riverdale where facilities rival any Member Club in the region with a full practice range and a 120 seat restaurant featuring a private room available for use. It was designed by Welsh architect Jonathan Morrow and his partner, veteran shaper Al Tikkanen, who created an exceptional test of golf carved into a valley deep into the historic Chao Phraya River Delta. Riverdale is an exception to Bangkok’s predominantly flat golf landscapes where the elevated tees and rolling fairways provide an enjoyable challenge for all golfers.



Multiple tee locations offer a challenge for all levels. At 7,000 yards from the back tee and a more leisurely 5,880 from the front tee, playing strategies are defined by numerous hazards from sprawling white sand faced traps and sandy wastes dotted with dune grasses. The design favours intelligent play, with risk and reward options presented on most holes. Riverdale welcomes discerning golfers to enjoy a strategic golfing challenge, 5 star service and immaculate playing surfaces with Salam Paspalum on tees and fairways, and MiniVerde™ Ultradwarf on the green

In 2021, Riverdale Golf Club is proud to have hosted “Thailand Open 2021 the 49th competition” between 28 – 31 October 2021 Professional Tournament (All Thailand golf tour) The Royal Cup of King Rama IX. Newly installed lights on the opening holes and closing hole means 5.30am tee times are available every day.

多個發球檯位置為各個級別的人帶來了挑戰。距離後發球檯 7,000 碼,距離前發球檯 5,880 碼,打球策略取決於廣闊的白色沙面陷阱和點綴著沙丘草的沙質廢物的眾多危險。該設計有利於智能遊戲,大多數球洞都提供風險和獎勵選項。Riverdale 歡迎眼光獨到的高爾夫球手享受策略性的高爾夫挑戰、五星級服務以及完美的比賽場地,發球檯和球道上有 Salam Paspalum,果嶺上有 MiniVerde™ Ultradwarf

2021年,Riverdale高爾夫俱樂部很榮幸於2021年10月28日至31日舉辦“2021年泰國公開賽第49屆比賽”職業錦標賽(全泰國高爾夫巡迴賽)拉瑪九世皇家開球洞和閉球洞新安裝的照明燈意味著每天早上 5.30 即可開球。