LINE ID: 太古旅遊
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

皇家清邁 Royal Chiang Mai

皇家氛圍 高貴不貴
摘要: 皇家清邁高爾夫坐落在樹木繁茂的山丘之中,毗鄰涼爽平靜的山間溪流。 這是適合全家人休閒和放鬆的地方。
The Royal Chiangmai Golf is set among wooded hills by cool placid mountain streams
皇家清邁高爾夫度假村體現了泰國北部珍惜家庭價值的傳統風格。 RCMGR 是適合全家人的寧靜休憩之所,除了高爾夫之外,還有許多娛樂設施。
度假村內提供山地自行車、釣魚、慢跑、斯諾克、游泳、傳統按摩、健身房、桑拿、板球和美食 RCMGR 是泰國板球協會的北部所在地,也是亞洲最風景如畫的板球場。 該俱樂部從十月到三月舉辦國內和國際板球賽事。
度假村俯瞰著著名的 Pratat Jomkiti 寺廟。 僧侶們鼓勵住在 RCMGR 的人們參觀並更多地了解泰國佛教。

The Royal Chiangmai Golf Resort reflects the traditional aspects of Northern Thailand where family values are cherished. RCMGR is peaceful retreat for the whole family with plenty of recreational facilities other than Golf.

AT THE RESORT-Mountain Biking, Fishing, Jogging, Snooker, Swimming, Traditional massage, Gym, Sauna, Cricket and Gourmet Cuisine RCMGR is the Northern home of The Thailand Cricket Association and is the most picturesque Cricket Pitch in Asia. The Club hosts National and International Cricket events from October to March.

The Resort is overlooked by The Famous Pratat Jomkiti Temple. The monks encourage people staying at RCMGR to visit and understand more about Thai Buddhism.

Peter Thompson
The Royal Chiang Mai Golf Course was designed by Peter Thompson, five times British Open Champion. The design is reminiscent of a traditional British Parkland course with some interesting "links" additions. The course is heavily tree-lined and water hazards are in play on almost every hole. The "Rough" is true to the meaning of the word.

From the very back "blue" tees the course measures over 7,200 yards and can be a severe test, but from the men's "white" tees the course is pleasant and relaxing. Bunkers use local sand from The Mae Ping river. The greens are Tiff Dwarf Bermuda with Bermuda 419 and Zoysia fairways. The course has a driving range and two practice putting and chipping greens.


皇家清邁高爾夫球場由五屆英國公開賽冠軍彼得湯普森 (Peter Thompson) 設計。 該設計讓人想起傳統的英國公園球場,並添加了一些有趣的“連結”。 球場綠樹成蔭,幾乎每個洞都有水障礙。 「長草」確實符合這個字的意思。
從最後面的“藍色”發球檯開始,球場長度超過 7,200 碼,這可能是一項嚴峻的考驗,但從男子“白色”發球檯開始,球場則令人愉快且輕鬆。 沙坑使用來自湄平河的當地沙子。 果嶺為 Tiff Dwarf Bermuda,球道為 Bermuda 419 和結縷草。 球場設有練習場和兩個練習推桿和切桿果嶺。