LINE ID: 太古旅遊
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

蓮差邦球場 Laem Chabang Golf

指標性球場 A Signature Golf Course
摘要: 我推薦蓮差邦國際鄉村俱樂部 在各方面都是真正的世界一流——傑克·尼克勞斯
I recommend Laem Chabang International Country Club is truly world-class in every respect - Jack Nicklaus
在蓮差邦國際鄉村俱樂部感受世界一流的高爾夫體驗。 最佳高爾夫球場“金熊”尼克勞斯設計。 泰國唯一符合尼克勞斯標準的傑克·尼克勞斯高爾夫球場。
這個世界級的高爾夫球場佔地 700 英畝,由 27 個洞組成,每個洞根據其環境而有所不同。
九號山周圍環繞著美麗的山巒,九號湖周圍有一條小溪流過,而九號谷則被風景如畫的山脈所環繞。 這些自然條件的創造是為了為高爾夫球手提供一個具有挑戰性的高爾夫球場,讓每個人嘗試他們的特殊技能和能力。
俱樂部會所和主餐廳可欣賞高爾夫球場的美妙全景。 擁有超過 300 個座位,您可以選擇國際美食、泰國、日本和歐洲特色菜餚點菜,並設有適合舉辦宴會和研討會的多功能廳。
在“蓮差邦國際鄉村俱樂部”,每個人都可以在這個由著名高爾夫球手傑克·尼克勞斯設計的鬱鬱蔥蔥且充滿異國情調的球場中享受親近自然的感覺。 這個世界級的高爾夫球場佔地 700 英畝,由 27 個洞組成,每個洞根據其環境而有所不同。
造訪泰國時,一定不要錯過蓮差邦國際鄉村俱樂部的世界標準高爾夫球場。 由傑克·尼克勞斯 (Jack Nicklaus) 設計和推薦的蓮差邦 (Laem Chabang) 絕對是您在泰國度假的最佳地點。 距離芭達雅僅 30 分鐘路程,即 109 公里。 遠離曼谷。

Feel world class golf experience at LaemChabang international Country Club. The best golf course “the Golden Bear” Nicklaus Desinged. The only one Jack Nicklaus Golf Courses in Thailand to keep up with Nicklaus standard.

This world-class golf course consists of 27 holes on 700 acres and each hole is different depending on its environment.
Mountain 9 in length around the beautiful mountain style hills and Lake 9 in length with a stream running through it, while Valley 9 surrounded by picturesque mountains. These nature conditions have been created to offer the golfer a challenging golf course for each to try their particular skills and ability. 

Club House and the main dining restaurant with its wonderful panoramic view of the golf course. With seating capacity of more than 300, you will be able to select the international food Thai, Japanese and European specialties a-la carte and function room for banquets and seminar.

At “Laem Chabang International Country Club” everyone enjoys the feeling of being close to nature in this lush and exotic course designed by famed golfer, Jack Nicklaus. This world-class golf course consists of 27 holes on 700 acres and each hole is different depending on its environment.

While visiting Thailand, be certain that you don’t miss out the world standard golf course at Laem Chabang International Country Club. Designed and recommended by Jack Nicklaus, Laem Chabang is simply the best spot for spending you holiday in Thailand. And it’s just 30 minutes from Pattaya or 109 km. away from Bangkok.

“As the designer of the golf course, I am very glad to have such a beautiful finished product. I am also very pleased that the owner’s commitment to quality has extended to the maintenance of the course.  I recommend Laem Chabang International Country Club is truly world-class in every respect.”

Best Golf Course in Thailand