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太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

班普拉球場 Bangpra Golf

Golf @ Bangpra 班普拉球場 一派優閒
摘要: 班普拉球場坐落在綠樹成蔭的小山腳下,擁有非常自然的景觀,寧靜中享受擊球樂趣
Bangpra Golf, laid out in a very natural landscape at the foot of small tree-clad hills, with a very natural landscape, where you can enjoy golfing in tranquility

Bangpra 班普拉高爾夫俱樂部是泰國最古老的高爾夫球場之一,於2007 年慶祝了成立50 週年。它於1958 年開業,最初僅提供9 洞,但在1988 年,作為旅遊局的合資企業,佈局和設施進行了全面更新泰國和日本高爾夫職業權威。

由於其歷史悠久,邦普拉高爾夫俱樂部是芭達雅最成熟的球場之一,擁有充滿高大樹木的迷人公園環境。 這個具有挑戰性的高爾夫球場坐落在緩坡山谷中起伏的土地上,周圍環繞著茂密的森林。
邦普拉最好的球洞位於前九洞,坐落在綠樹成蔭的小山腳下,擁有非常自然的景觀。 跨水的三桿洞第二洞和長的四杆洞第三洞是外九洞的一大亮點,出色的沙坑和危險的水障礙相結合,產生了良好的效果。 相對緊湊且沙坑良好的短四桿六號洞可讓您緩慢地爬上樹木繁茂的山坡,只有極其長的五桿七號洞(距離尖端622 碼)才能讓您輕輕地從斜坡上返回。
在後九洞,三桿洞第12 洞和長三杆洞第17 洞都需要在水面上從發球檯到果嶺擊球,而測試的第12、13 和15 號洞也需要在水面上近距離擊球才能到達圓形安全區,略高且通常為圓頂形狀的果嶺。 事實上,這個球場擁有泰國最難推桿的一些果嶺。

Bangpra Golf Club is the one of the oldest golf courses in Thailand as it celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2007. It opened in 1958 and originally offered only 9 holes, however in 1988 the layout and facilities were updated entirely as a joint venture between the Tourism Authority of Thailand and Japan Golf Professional. 

Thanks to its age, Bangpra Golf Club is one of the most mature courses on Pattaya with an attractive parkland environment full of tall trees. This challenging golf course is laid out over undulating land in a gently sloping valley surrounded by densely wooded forests.

The best holes at Bangpra are on the front nine, which is laid out in a very natural landscape at the foot of small tree-clad hills. The par-3 2nd across the water and long par-4 3rd are attractive highlights on the outward nine, where excellent bunkering and dangerous water hazards combine to good effect. The relatively tight and well-bunkered short par-4 6th makes a gentle move up the wooded hillside, only for the monstrously long par-5 7th (622 yards from the tips) to bring you gently back down the slope.

On the back nine, the par-3 12th and long par-3 17th both require tee-to-green shots over water, while the testing 12th, 13th and 15th holes also need approach shots over water to reach the safety of the circular, slightly elevated and often dome-shaped greens. In fact, this course has some of the most difficult greens to putt in Thailand.

Bangpra International Golf Club is one  of the older courses in the area, built in 1958 and updated in the late 80s and still able to compete with some of the newer course thanks to the mature trees which stand as a testament to the longevity of the course.

The course has been built in the very attractive hills surrounding Sri Racha following the natural folds of the inclines and this wonderful setting makes a round here very enjoyable despite the simlcity of the layout.

The luxurious modern clubhouse comes lavishly furnished with locker rooms featuring Japanese style baths and there is a practice area and driving range. The clubhouse restaurant serves Thai, Japanese and International food.

Tourists in particular will enjoy playing alongside monkeys who frequent a couple of the holes.

邦普拉國際高爾夫俱樂部(Bangpra International Golf Club) 是該地區最古老的球場之一,建於1958 年,並於80 年代末進行了更新,由於成熟的樹木證明了球場的長壽,仍然能夠與一些較新的球場競爭。

球場建在是拉差 (Sri Racha) 周圍非常迷人的山丘上,沿著斜坡的自然褶皺而建,儘管佈局簡單,但美妙的環境使在這裡打球變得非常愉快。
豪華的現代俱樂部會所裝潢華麗,設有附日式浴室的更衣室,並設有練習區和練習場。 俱樂部會所餐廳供應泰國、日本和國際美食。