LINE ID: 太古旅遊
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

帕它那球場 Pattana Golf

Golf @ Pattana 帕它那球場
摘要: 帕它那總是玩樂日
帕它那擁有 27 個富有挑戰性的洞,是經驗豐富的高爾夫球手和休閒高爾夫球手的理想訓練場。 起伏的球道、全景、變化的風力條件、快速的果嶺和標誌性的六桿洞只是等待克服的一些障礙。
多山的背景、高架的果嶺、深邃的沙坑和草丘,為各個級別的球員打造了一個視覺上吸引人但又充滿挑戰的球場。 帕它那 (Pattana) 水資源豐富,開球和短距離擊球都需要小心放置。 30 球道的練習場和果嶺讓您在上場比賽之前練習擊球。
且關門較晚; 你可以在其他人醒來看到你之前偷偷溜過去進行一些日出練習,或者你可以在晚上,當我們通常擠滿了高爾夫愛好者時,結識新朋友,與你的球童聊天,喝一品脫啤酒或一些美味的食物,同時保持你的遊戲敏銳。 詢問是否可以參加一堂課程,這將提高您的分數並為您的下一輪增添一些樂趣。
練習設施目前有: 草地發球檯短距離比賽區、30 個帶擊球墊的球位、切桿區、維護良好的沙坑以及以高爾夫球場速度練習果嶺切球的地方。

With 27 challenging holes, Pattana is the ideal training ground for both experienced and leisure golfers. Undulating fairways, panoramic views, varying wind conditions, fast greens and a signature par-six hole are just some of the obstacles waiting to be tackled.

A mountainous backdrop, elevated greens, deep bunkering and grass mounds result in a visually appealing yet challenging course for players of all levels. Water is abundant at Pattana where both tee and approach shots require careful placement. A 30-lane driving range and putting green let you practice your shots before taking your game to the course.

andclosing late; you can sneak over and get in some sunrise practice before anyone else awakes to see you, or you can roll up in the evening, when we are normally packed with golf enthusiasts, and meet new friends, chat with your caddie, have a pint of beer or some delicious food, while keeping your game sharp. Inquire about taking a lesson which will improve your score and add some enjoyment to your next round.

Our practice facilities currently feature; grass tee short game area, 30 bays with hitting mats, chipping zone, well maintained sand bunker and a practice green cut at golf course speeds.


For beginners or veterans – Pattana has a complete learning center to cater to everyone. Open early

“We have the ideal golf offering – 27 holes! This means you have variety and are always guaranteed unique 18-hole experience. The optional configurations mean you can always have a new start and finish, making Pattana is new and exciting every visit.

We even have (2) Par 6 holes, which is very rare and most importantly: fun and memorable on your scorecard!

Also, not common in the Pattaya area is our mountainous scenery for a backdrop, large lakes to provide challenge, but also cooling fresh air, making you comfortable. Our design, while not a famous name, has become infamous for its undulating fairways, sloped green surrounds, strategically positioned bunkers and mature, tree-lined fairways. Pattana is an experience you will remember fondly.

無論是初學者還是老手——帕它那都有一個完整的學習中心,可以滿足每個人的需求。 提早開門

「擁有理想的高爾夫產品 – 27 洞! 這意味著您可以享受多樣性,並始終保證獲得獨特的 18 洞體驗。 可選的配置意味著您始終可以有一個新的開始和結束,使帕塔納的每次訪問都是新的和令人興奮的。
甚至還有 (2) 個六桿洞,這是非常罕見的,最重要的是:在您的記分卡上充滿樂趣和難忘!
此外,在芭達雅地區不常見的是我們以山景為背景,大湖提供挑戰,還有涼爽的新鮮空氣,讓您感到舒適。 我們的設計雖然不出名,但因其起伏的球道、傾斜的果嶺周圍、戰略性定位的沙坑和成熟的綠樹成蔭的球道而臭名昭著。 帕它那 (Pattana) 是讓您難忘的體驗。