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太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

鳳凰黃金球場 Phoenix Golf

Open everyday 6am-6pm 每天等著你
摘要: 世界級錦標賽 27 洞高爾夫球場
27 holes of World Championship golf
鳳凰高爾夫 (Phoenix Gold) 的三個九洞球場坐落在自然起伏的公園綠地上,許多球洞都能欣賞到壯麗的景色。
在過去的兩年裡,鳳凰黃金高爾夫俱樂部確實像一隻以其名字命名的神話鳥一樣浴火重生,成為芭達雅地區首屈一指的高爾夫目的地之一。 新主人 Chanya Swangchitr 女士本身就是一位熱衷於高爾夫球的人,她的家族還擁有愛爾蘭都柏林附近 Darren Clarke 設計的莫伊瓦利高爾夫俱樂部 (Moyvalley Golf Club)。
新所有者已投資了一項新的總體規劃,旨在使該公司在泰國證券交易所上市。 在完成 400 英畝場地的收購和整合後,業主委託對球場進行廣泛而全面的改造和升級,並計劃從 2016 年開始開發豪華住宅。
海洋和山地九號洞對沙坑、發球檯和排水系統進行了升級,而較短的湖區九號洞則進行了重大重新設計,這將使比賽更具挑戰性和樂趣。 翻修工程由泰國高爾夫球場設計師 Pirapon Namatra 完成,他還設計了一些泰國最好的球場。
新的會員計劃已經到位,果嶺費率已經修訂,並推出了特別促銷活動,以吸引芭堤雅地區的常客、曼谷人和入境高爾夫球手。 新的多功能廳,包括會員休息室,是整體改造的一部分,專賣店和更衣室也將升級。
這些改進已擴展到俱樂部及其運營的所有部分。 維護團隊對球道和果嶺採用了新程序,以改善比賽條件,會所前的果嶺也將擴大。

The Course

Phoenix Gold's three nine-hole courses are set among naturally rolling parkland, offering spectacular vistas on many holes.

Fairways are lined with a wide variety of young and mature trees, shrubbery, lakes, ponds, and bunkers to add a combination of beatuty, spice and challenge to all golfers’ skills.


The Revival at Phoenix Gold

The last two years has seen Phoenix Gold Golf Club literally rise from the ashes like the mythical bird it is named for to become one of the premier golf destinations in the Pattaya area. The new owner Ms Chanya Swangchitr is a keen golfer herself, and her family also own the Darren Clarke designed Moyvalley Golf Club near Dublin, Ireland.

The new owners have invested in a new master plan that is aimed at seeing the company listed on the Thai Stock Exchange. After completing the acquisition and consolidation of the 400-acre site, the owners commissioned an extensive and comprehensive renovation and upgrade of the course, and there are plans to develop luxury homes starting in 2016.

While the Ocean and Mountain nines underwent upgrading of their bunkers, tee boxes  and drainage, the shorter Lakes nine has seen a major re-design that will make it more challenging and fun to play. The renovations have been done by Thai golf course designer Pirapon Namatra, who has also created some of Thailand’s best courses.

New membership programs have been put in place, green fee rates have been revised, and special promotions have been launched to attract regular Pattaya area residents, Bangkokians, and inbound golfers alike. New function rooms, including a Members’ Lounge, have been part of the overall facelift, which will see both the pro shop and the locker rooms upgraded.

The improvements have extended to all parts of the club and its operations. The maintenance team has introduced new procedures for the fairways and greens to improve the playing conditions, and the putting greens in front of the clubhouse will be enlarged as well.

Phoenix also plans to host a major new international golf tournament at the course. 

Mountain Course
The Mountain Course affords the golfer an exquisite view of a famous landmark, with the best vantage point being the fairway of the signature 6th hole.  A nearby mountain, with a large sheer-cliff face that is easily seen, has an impressive laser-carved image of Buddha. The 3-dimensional quality of The Mountain Course’s fairways tests the golfers’ interest and judgment of each stroke. The greens are designed to provide opportunities to show the golfers’ putting skills.


Ocean Course
The Ocean Course is often a favorite with many golfers of all abilities. Many of its fairways are lined with mature trees on both sides. Its recent upgrade has seen much of the lower shrubs and redundant trees being cleared to allow the golfers view to the beautiful distant mountains to the north and the ocean to the east. Also, additional bunkers have been added while existing bunkers have been redesigned with graceful contours. The Ocean Course gradually rises in elevation from holes #4 to #6 and looking back the golfer can catch glimpses of the surrounding countryside. Completing the round from the signature 9th hole is memorable, with a dramatic panoramic view from the tee box over the of the Gulf of Thailand making for a perfect way to end the day.

Lake course

The Lakes Course has always challenged golfers to manage their game sensibly - keeping drives on line and finding good layup positions for an approach to the green. 

 The new Lakes layout will remain true to this, but will add new hole layouts, changed tee positions and a few all-new greens to make life just that much more fun and challenging!


By comparison, the Lakes course has seen an exciting, major re-design, with several holes re-routed and new lakes, tee boxes and greens being introduced. As it is the shortest of the three courses, Namatra's brief was to make it more interesting, and he feels it may now become the most fun of the three courses to play.  Major changes to Hole 5 have seen it turned into a teasing little par four, while Hole 6 has been transformed into a sharp dogleg right par 5 over a couple of lakes


Opened:          1993

Designer:         Denis Griffiths, upgraded in 2014-2015 by Pirapon Namatra of GolfEast

Grass:              As part of the course renovation, the grasses are being entirely replaced to provide the best possible surfaces available.


                        When complete, the Tees will be Paspalum, Fairways will be Zoyzia, and the Greens will be Champion Turf



The Lakes Course has always challenged golfers to manage their game sensibly - keeping drives on line and finding good layup positions for an approach to the green. 


The new Lakes layout will remain true to this, but will add new hole layouts, changed tee positions and a few all-new greens to make life just that much more fun and challenging!


The new scorecard will be uploaded here once the official final measurements have been completed. STAY TUNED!Lakes


The Lakes Course has always challenged golfers to manage their game sensibly - keeping drives on line and finding good layup positions for an approach to the green. 


The new Lakes layout will remain true to this, but will add new hole layouts, changed tee positions and a few all-new greens to make life just that much more fun and challenging!


The new scorecard will be uploaded here once the official final measurements have been completed. STAY TUNED!