又投資1800萬美元,新的27洞高爾夫球場已準備好“試營運”,名稱為暹羅鄉村俱樂部芭堤雅植物園。 高爾夫球場由亞利桑那州著名的 Schmidt & Curley Design Inc. 設計。「PLANTATION」這個名稱是為了紀念歷史悠久的甘蔗、木薯和菠蘿種植園,每個 9 洞也相應命名。 沒多久,這個距離老球場約四公里的佈局就吸引了一場重大賽事。 2008 年開業一年後,它成為泰國 LPGA 比賽的舉辦地,由世界排名第一的洛雷娜·奧喬亞 (Lorena Ochoa) 奪冠。
With the investment of another 18 million US dollars, the new 27-hole golf course is ready for a “Trial Opening” with the name Siam Country Club Pattaya Plantation. The golf courses are designed by a well know Arizona based, Schmidt & Curley Design Inc. The “PLANTATION” name was given in the honor of the historic Sugar Cane, Tapioca, and Pineapple plantations, and each 9-hole is named accordingly. It didn’t take long for this layout, about four kilometers from the Old Course, to attract a major event. Exactly one year after opening in 2008, it served as site of the LPGA Thailand, won by world No.1 Lorena Ochoa.