LINE ID: 太古旅遊
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太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

Blue Canyon Lake Course 藍峽谷湖景

Golf @ Blue Canyon Lake Course
摘要: 令人愉悅的傑作


Lakes 球場由建築師Yoshikazu Kato 設計,建於1999 年,是一座7,129 碼、標準桿72 桿的球場,混合了充滿水的峽谷和自然陸地流,果嶺比峽谷球場寬得多,同時為長打專業人士提供了美麗的環境在通往廣闊果嶺的途中享受寬闊的球道。

標誌性的18 洞在2003 年被《亞洲高爾夫月刊》評為亞洲最好的4 杆洞之一。該球場擁有寬闊的球道和廣闊的果嶺,可以讓普通的高爾夫球手享受球場的樂趣,同時為經驗豐富的球手創造明確的挑戰:出色地。
藍峽谷鄉村俱樂部在其大型專業商店中出售最新的頂級品牌裝備,並擁有一間美麗的露台開放式餐廳,可欣賞多個球道的壯麗景色,同時提供美味的傳統和西式美食。 這個美麗且狀況良好的普吉島高爾夫球場距離普吉島機場僅 15 分鐘路程,可以在您抵達當天的第一輪高爾夫球或離開當天的最後一輪高爾夫球進行精彩的比賽。


Lake Course

The Lakes Course designed by Architect Yoshikazu Kato and established in 1999 is a 7,129 yard, par 72 course with a mixture of water-filled canyons and natural land flow with greens much wider than the Canyon course while providing a beautiful setting for the long hitting professional to enjoy the wide fairways on their way to the large expansive greens.

The signature hole 18 is ranked as one of the best par 4’s in Asia by Asian Golf Monthly in 2003. This course with its wide fairways and large expansive greens will allow the modest golfer to enjoy the course while creating defined challenges for the veteran players as well.

The Blue Canyon Country Club carries the latest in top brand gear in its large Pro Shop, and boasts a beautiful Terraced open restaurant with stunning elevated views of multiple fairways while serving up delicious traditional and western foods. This beautiful & great condition Phuket Golf Course is located only 15 minutes from the Phuket Airport and makes a great 1st round of golf on your arrival day, or last round on your departure day.

Asian Golf Monthly Best Par Four in Asia Lakes Course Hole 18 in 2003

Regarded by international media as one of the most prestigious golf courses in the region, the legendary Blue Canyon Country Club in Phuket, Thailand features 2 award-winning 18-hole championship golf courses to choose from.

Nestled in a 720-acre valley, with the Andaman Sea and Phang Nga Mountains as a beautiful and majestic backdrop, you can play on the 1991 “Canyon” course or the equally stunning 1999 “Lake” course Enjoy endless hours of golf.
One of Japan's most renowned golf course architects, Yoshikazu Kato, began developing the site in 1988 around existing ravines and woodlands, doing little damage to the natural landscape and wildlife while creating a diverse, exciting landscape. Awe-inspiring and spectacular design masterpiece, which showcases stunning water views surrounded by towering trees.

位於泰國普吉島的傳奇藍峽谷鄉村俱樂部被國際媒體評為該地區最負盛名的高爾夫球場之一,擁有 2 個屢獲殊榮的 18 洞錦標賽高爾夫球場可供選擇。
坐落在佔地720 英畝的山谷中,以安達曼海和攀牙山為美麗雄偉的背景,您可以在1991 年建成的“峽谷”球場或同樣令人驚嘆的1999 年建成的“湖泊”球場上享受無盡美好的高爾夫時光。

日本最負盛名的高爾夫球場建築師之一加藤嘉和(Yoshikazu Kato) 於1988 年開始在現有峽谷和林地周圍開發該場地,對自然景觀和野生動物幾乎沒有破壞,同時創造了一個多樣化、令人畏懼和壯觀的設計傑作,其中展示了令人驚嘆的水景周圍都是參天大樹。