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太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

沙巴 亞庇 Golf in Kota Kinabaru

Unique natural play ground
摘要: 有人形容它是一個天然的遊樂場...
Some describe it as a natural playground...

沙巴 亞庇 

亞庇是一個完美的高爾夫目的地,特別適合高爾夫情侶,其中一個伴侶不打高爾夫球,因為還有很多其他事情要做,這意味著您不必計劃高爾夫球場周圍的一切。 亞庇有一些美麗的海灘和一些非凡的野生動物,猩猩保護區是您必須參觀的地方。 如果您喜歡浮潛、潛水以及打高爾夫球,那麼可以前往沙比島 (Sapi Island),這裡的海水是該地區最清澈的。 關於其他景點的介紹已經足夠了——您訪問此網站是為了了解亞庇的高爾夫選擇,並且從城市出發可輕鬆前往許多高爾夫球場。
亞庇位於沙巴西海岸。 這座城市位於東邊的克羅克山脈和西邊的南海之間的狹窄平原上。 城市海岸外有六個島嶼。 最大的是加雅島,這是英國第一個定居點的所在地。


一位世界知名高爾夫球手曾說過,這項運動的一大樂趣在於將自然元素帶入其中,充分考驗球手。事實上,格雷厄姆·馬什 (Graham Marsh) 在 1978 年出版的 Benson & Hedges 假日高爾夫指南《東南亞打球和住宿地點》中曾說過這樣的話。


Kota Kinabalu 

Kota Kinabalu is a perfect Golfing destination and especially suitable for golfing couples where one partner does not play golf as there are plenty of other things to do which means that you do not have to plan  everything around the golf course.  There are some wonderful beaches in Kota Kinabalu and some extraordinary wildlife and the Orangutan Sanctuary is a place you must visit.  If you are into snorkelling and diving as well as golf then head for Sapi Island which offers the clearest waters in the area.  But enough about other attractions – you came to this website to find about about the golfing options in Kota Kinabalu and there are plenty of golf courses within easy reach of the city.

Kota Kinabalu is located on the west coast of Sabah. The city lies on a narrow flatland between the Crocker Range to the east and the South China Sea to the west. There are six islands off the coast of the city. The largest is Gaya Island, the site of the first British settlement.

Today, Sabah boasts numerous golf clubs located in all corners of the State with some courses set amongst breath-taking scenery and offering interesting and challenging play, whatever your handicap and levels of challenge may be. You can choose to play in the city, by the sea, high above the sea level or closer to earth at the fringe of lush vegetation.

A world-famous golfer once said that one of the main pleasures of the game lies in its natural elements are brought in, to test the player to the full. In fact Graham Marsh said it, in the Benson & Hedges Holiday Golf guide to where to play and stay in SEA, published 1978.

This great East Malaysian state on Borneo Island is naturally endowed with endless beaches and bays, ancient rainforests and amazing plants and animals, and the sacred Mt Kinabalu – and all this natural beauty is blended into the landscape of the golf courses, making Sabah truly a golfer’s Paradise.


The capital of Sabah, it is a laid-back coastal city with towering Mount Kinabalu, traditional villages and magnificent marine parks nearby. Visit the capital of Sabah, admire the magnificent tapestry, feel the magical power of nature, relax your body and mind, cleanse your soul, and enjoy your trip to Kota Kinabalu.
Kota Kinabalu is located in a tropical area, rich in nature's rich treasures and full of tranquility and seclusion. Tourists love to enjoy the beautiful scenery here, visit the museum with rich exhibits, and browse the open-air market full of ethnic colors.
Fly into Kota Kinabalu International Airport and start your trip to Kota Kinabalu. Kota Kinabalu has convenient transportation. During your tour in the city, you can take a stroll and enjoy the scenery along the way, or take the colorful Kota Kinabalu Citybus to travel around easily. If you want to go to the Park Islands, you have to take a yacht and arrive by water.

Kota Kinabalu (Malaysian pronunciation: [ˈkota kinaˈbalu], formerly known as Jesselton), commonly known as KK, is the capital of the Malaysian state of Sabah. It is also the capital of Kota Kinabalu District and Sabah West Coast District. The city is located on the northwest coast of Borneo, facing the South China Sea. To the west is Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park, and to the east is Mount Kinabalu (from which the city takes its name). According to the 2010 census, Kota Kinabalu's population was 452,058. Including the neighboring districts of Penang and Putatan, the total population of the metropolitan area is 628,725. The 2020 Census showed that the local government population increased to 500,421, while the population of the wider region, including Penang and Putatan districts, was 731,406.

沙巴的首府,是一個悠閒的海濱城市,附近有高聳的神山 (Mount Kinabalu),傳統村莊和壯麗的海洋公園。遊覽沙巴首府,欣賞壯麗織錦,感受大自然鬼斧神工的奇妙魔力,放鬆身心,洗滌心靈,盡情享受一趟亞庇之旅。



亞庇(馬來西亞語發音:[ˈkota kinaˈbalu],舊稱 Jesselton),俗稱 KK,是馬來西亞沙巴州的首府。它也是亞庇區和沙巴西海岸區的首府。該市位於婆羅洲西北海岸,面向南中國海。西邊是東姑阿都拉曼國家公園,東邊是京那巴魯山(這座城市的名字就是由此而來)。根據 2010 年人口普查,亞庇的人口為 452,058 人。包括鄰近的檳城區和布達丹區在內,大都市區的總人口為 628,725 人。 2020年人口普查顯示,地方政府人口增至500,421人,而包括檳城區和布達丹區在內的更廣泛地區的人口為731,406人。