我們在馬來西亞的豪華火車和令人著迷的時代的旅行回憶錄。 標誌性的奶油色和綠色外觀被拋光木板走廊和帶有多種亞洲設計風格的絲綢家具所取代。 進入車內後,您可以在酒吧車廂 (Bar Car) 就座,這裡瀰漫著爵士樂俱樂部的氛圍,空氣中縈繞著音樂,服務員則為您奉上香檳和招牌雞尾酒。 你的目的地? 一個充滿靈感的富裕世界。
Our luxury train in Malaysia and a travelling memoir of a beguiling age. The signature cream and green exterior gives way to polished wood-panelled corridors and silken furnishings with a hint of multiple Asian designs. Once inside, take your seat at the Bar Car where a jazz-club ambience reigns with music lingering in the air, while stewards serve champagne and signature cocktails. Your destination? A world of inspiring opulence.